Wednesday, May 26, 2010



I had a rough day, and a wonderful homeowner had this e-mail waiting for me.  I had to share it because I want you to know this is why we are here for each other at this particular moment in time: 

Good day to you Kelly,

Things have progressed a little slower that what I anticipated. Here’s what I HAVE left to do before I can send the package out to you: (ALL else is done)

Waiting for a FULL Property report with chain of title since I built the home in 2005. That’s it. 

A few Q’s for you: 

When I send out the QWR and I send the CC letters to the XX Senators, the Governor, HUD and the rest, do I attach a cover letter in each indicating to each one that I have sent a letter to the other so that they ALL know who was CC’d?

Lastly, I could not find any info on the paperwork anything about MERS…But again I may be a novice as to where to find it.

On a personal note, I can only thank YOU from an e-mail standpoint and wonder ‘who I am’ to have been tapped on the shoulder to receive this connection such as yourself, and that you are offering to help myself and my family right a wrong that I feel that has been perpetrated against me by Wells Fargo. 

After reading your QWR out loud to my wife last night’, I looked at my wife, feeling humbled and with a lump in my throat and asked her, “why”. She said what do you mean. I said, why did I find this blog and why did I write the e-mail and why is this help before us and our family. And WHY is this person offering to help US. After what we see ALL over this country it just doesn’t seem that there are ANY ‘real’ good people left.

All I can say at this point and in behalf of my family Kelly is, THANK YOU from my heart.
Fearful Homeowner

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