When a forged document has been submitted to the court…..have a look at the latest blog posting from our friends and fellow foreclosure fraud fighters at
4closurefraud.comI hate to keep using inflammatory words to catch attention like “BOMBSHELL” or “SUBSTANTIATED ALLEGATIONS OF FRAUD”, but I continue to hear allegations that lenders and attorneys are passing off computer generated copies of original notes and passing them off to judges as “original” or “wet ink” notes.
I have yet to see one myself, but this latest post appears to be a “live” one. Remember all foreclosure cases filed with the courts are available for inspection. Make sure you examine all the documents carefully and make objections when issues of authenticity are real.
Scridb filter
The note and mortgage were submitted by FDLG as “original” same day of summary judgment.
My husband and I are graphic artists and could tell they were not real.
This was brought to Judge’s attention during our last hearing, however, the Judge said “It looks like the real one to me” This hearing was recorded. It’s on appeal now.
We are now in the process of reporting a judicial misconduct of this Judge with the Judicial Qualifications Commission in Tallahassee.
Judicial Qualifications Commission
Room 102, Historic Capitol Building
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-6000